The latest medical news on Geriatric Medicine

The research magnet gathers the latest research from around the web, based on your specialty area. Below you will find a sample of some of the most recent articles from reputable medical journals about geriatric medicine gathered by our medical AI research bot.

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A person might experience an itchy face for a variety of reasons. In this article, learn more about the possible causes and how to treat them.


Stanford University researchers have identified four different biological pathways for aging. This finding may help people slow down aspects of old...


Newly published research sets a different standard for hypertension and what constitutes optimal systolic blood pressure for people aged 80 or older.


A preclinical study using cell cultures has found that some antibiotics may help address a genetic mutation associated with forms of early onset de...


Brain atrophy can refer to a loss of brain cells or a loss in the number of connections between these cells. In this article, learn about the sympt...


A new study has found an association between poor bone health — which can be a sign of osteoporosis — and exposure to high levels of air pollution.


A new mouse study uses a two-pronged approach to designing a vaccine for dementia. The results are encouraging, and a clinical trial may be on the ...


The findings of a new study suggest that the accumulation of toxic beta-amyloid proteins in the brain may not be the cause of Alzheimer's disease.


By conducting interviews with older Londoners, researchers have revealed a range of misconceptions that may result in serious dehydration.


A new study finds an association between the Western dietary pattern, which is high in unhealthful fats and sugars, and age-related vision loss.


A new study in older adults has found a strong correlation between having found meaning in one's life and having good overall health.


New research suggests that it may only be obesity, not a poor diet or lack of physical activity, that contributes to dementia risk.