The latest medical news on Rural & Remote

The research magnet gathers the latest research from around the web, based on your specialty area. Below you will find a sample of some of the most recent articles from reputable medical journals about rural & remote gathered by our medical AI research bot.

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Good, bad, ugly prehospital

A blog for paramedics, EMTs, EMS and ambulance personnel for best patient care and professional prehospital practice.

Good, bad, ugly prehospital

A blog for paramedics, EMTs, EMS and ambulance personnel for best patient care and professional prehospital practice.

Good, bad, ugly prehospital

A blog for paramedics, EMTs, EMS and ambulance personnel for best patient care and professional prehospital practice.

Good, bad, ugly prehospital

An article for paramedics, EMTs and prehospital care providers regarding the teamwork involved. Instead of simply driving the ambulance, if we can ...

Good, bad, ugly prehospital

The demands of paramedic ego and how adopting a shared goal can help with teamwork, patient care, professional reputation and the mental health of...

Good, bad, ugly prehospital

How paramedics, EMTs and emergency care providers can reduce their chances of missing important clues in their clinical practice. Adopting the dete...

Good, bad, ugly prehospital

A blog post for paramedics during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Kindness, respect and empathy.

Good, bad, ugly prehospital

Frontline empathy works both ways for paramedics, EMTs and other first responders. How to benefit our patients, colleagues, industry, loved ones an...

Good, bad, ugly prehospital

A blog for paramedics, EMTs, EMS and ambulance personnel for best patient care and professional prehospital practice.

Good, bad, ugly prehospital

GBU Paramedic blog has moved to a new platform...but with the same great content for medics, EMTs, students, veterans & all prehospital care providers